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Pallet Scales

Our pallet scales, or pallet weighing scales are industrial scales which are perfect for weighing large pallets of up to 3000kg. We also have drive thru platform scales and a variety of other industrial weighing scales that are supplied by a range of different manufacturers including Ohaus & Marsden. Whatever your logistical requirements, we can help.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Successfully handling pallets is key to a significant proportion of the logistics and distribution industries. Industrial Pallet Weighing Scales ensure pallet weight is accurately recorded throughout packing, despatch, transportation and delivery. Our range includes stand-alone units and integrated truck options.

    The capacity of our Industrial Pallet Scales range lets you accurately weigh items up to 3,000.0kg. However, more typically you can expect a capacity from 600 kg to 1,500kg. You can browse the whole range here.

    Readability refers to the smallest weight increments displayed by any industrial pallet weighing scale. It indicates the precision with which pallets’ weight can be recorded and, in our range, varies from 1g to 100g. Talk to our team for advice on what will work best for you.

    With high-precision sensors and calibration capabilities, our range of industrial pallet weighing scales bring high levels of accuracy and reliability. Let us know your requirements, and our sales team can advise you on the right option.

    Certified calibration typically forms part of an organisation's quality processes and accreditations. It proves any industrial pallet scales used are operating within their specification and providing accurate measurements. Inaccurate uncertified equipment risks error and inaccuracy.

    Re-certification periods for industrial pallet weighing scales will vary depending on their role and operating environment. As a minimum, however, we recommend recalibration of all equipment once a year. Our sales team will be able to answer any specific calibration questions you may have.

    Certified calibration typically forms part of an organisation's quality processes and accreditations. It proves any industrial pallet weighing scales used are operating within their specification and providing accurate measurements. Inaccurate uncertified equipment risks error and inaccuracy.

    Re-certification periods for industrial pallet weighing scales will vary depending on their role and operating environment. As a minimum, however, we recommend recalibration of all equipment once a year. Our sales team will be able to answer any specific calibration questions you may have.

    Organisations that transact by weight normally need their weighing equipment to be approved for trade. This is separate from calibration certification and ensures accuracy and fairness. Our sales team can provide advice on finding the right Trade Approved pallet weighing scales for your requirement.

    Industrial pallet weighing scales have a variety of power requirements from AC mains power through 100-250V DC power to internal rechargeable batteries. Our sales team can answer any questions you may have.

    Industrial pallet weighing scales costs vary from around £500 to £1,500 depending on the features and specifications you require. Ask our sales team for more information.

    We can normally deliver industrial pallet weighing scales in 5-10 days however we can get some models to you in as little as two days. Contact our sales team for more details.

    Where can I find out more?

    Contact us to find out more information about scales and balances


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